Grand Court of Florida
Order of the Amaranth

Grand Court Committees for 2024 - 2025

Standing Committees
Address and Distribution
H.L. Kathy Seichko (25) Chairman
H.L. Julie Gilsdorf (74)
H.L. Norma Savoley (33) Chairman
H.L. Linda Schreiner (29)
S.K. Kathy Seichko (25)
H.L. Valerie Tooma-Gray (58,25) Chairman
H.L. Kathy Palmer (58)
H.L. Elizabeth Youngs (51)
S.K. Keith Albright (33)
H.L. Cathy Edson (58)
H.L. Betty Cox (74) Chairman
H.L. Betty Adair (29)
S.K. Lewis Adair (29)
S.K. John Stinchcomb (25) Chairman
H.L. Nanette Dovich (76)
H.L. Beth Bergmann (10)
Dispensations and Charters
S.K. Erik Andersen (51) Chairman
S.K. Randy Stucki (33)
S.K. Patrick Wilberding (28)
S.K. Berton Yeaton Jr. (10) Chairman
H.L. Linda Farney (73)
S.K. Patrick Wilberding (28,76)
S.K. Kenneth Traverson (25)
H.L. Karen Patterson (69)
H.L. Cathy Edson (58) Chairman
S.K. Keith Albright (33)
H.L. Elizabeth Youngs (51)
Fraternal Relations
H.L. Judith Barnes (58, 25) Chairman
S.K. Robert Lundy (10)
S.K. George Goddard (51)
Grand Court By-Laws
H.L. Ann Marie Williams (25) Chairman
H.L. Valerie Tooma-Gray (68, 25)
S.K. John Gray (56, 69)
Grand Court Maintenance
H.L. Carol Stansbury (76) Chairman
H.L. Athena Mock (33) Co-Chairman
S.K. James Patterson (69, 28) Chairman
H.L. Ellen Traverson (25, 73)
S.K. Martin Schwebel (33)
S.K. Berton Yeaton, Jr. (10)
S.K. Ronald St. Jacques (10)
Leadership Training
H.L. Beth Strayer (33) Chairman
H.L. Carol Stansbury (76)
H.L. Athena Mock (33)
S.K. Randy Stucki (28,56) Chairman
H.L. Beth Bergmann (10)
H.L. Joan Schwebel (33)
S.K. George Goddard (51) Chairman
H.L. Virginia Waggoner (33)
H.L. Marilyn Hock (73)
H.L. Cathy Edson  (58,25) Chairman
S.K. Randy Stucki (28)
S.K. Kenneth Traverson (25,73)
Promotion of New Courts
H.L. Judy Mosing (57) 1 Yr , Chairman
H.L. Sher Allan-Johnson (28) 2 Yr
H.L. Judith Barnes (58,28) 3 Yr 
Publication - Crown and Sword
H.L. Ann Marie Williams (25) Chairman
Each court appoint a member
H.L. Linda Schreiner (29) Chairman
S.K. Michael Schreiner (29)
S.K. Sean Stenson (44)
H.L. Hilda Bedsole (74)
Rules and Regulations of Subordinate Courts
H.L. Cecilia Hemphill (33,51) Chairman
H.L. Beth Strayer (33)
H.L. Carol Stansbury (76)
S.K. Chris VanDuyne (44)
H.L. Athena Mock (33)
H.L. Theresa Goddard (51) Chairman
S.K. Jack Townsend (76) Co-Chairman
World Wide Web Committee
H.L. Margaret Woody (76) Chairman
S.K. Randy Stucki (28,56)
S.K. Kenneth Traverson (25, 73)

Special Committees
Amaranth Benevolent Fund
H.L. Linda Farney (73) 3 Yr Chairman
H.L. Patrice Barker (58) 1 Yr
H.L. Ronald St. Jacques (10) 2 Yr
H.L. Margaret Woody (76) 4 Yr
H.L. Sher Allan-Johnson (28) 5 Yr
Amaranth Church Day
H.L. Judith Yeaton (10)
Amaranth Diabeties Foundation Florida Cooridinators
H.L. Judy Mosing (51) Chairman
H.L. Cathy Edson (25,58) Chairman
Communication, Announcments, Facebook Page
H.L. Cathy Edson (58, 25), Chairman
S.K. Randy Stucki (28,56) Chairman
H.L. Joan Schwebel (33)
H.L. Sheila Bailey (25) Banquets
H.L. Judy Barnes (58,25) Corsages
Directories and Proceedings
H.L. Linda Schreiner (29)
S.K. John Gray (56, 69) Chairman
H.L. Wilma Stone (33)
S.K. Patrick Wilberding (28,74)
Grand Court Diabeties  Pins
H.L. Joan Schwebel (33) Chairman
Hospitality, Reception
H.L. Sher Allan-Johnson (28) Chairman
H.L. Betty Cox (74)
H.L. Hilda Bedsole (74)
H.L. Doreen Watson (25)
H.L. Patrice Barker (58)
Masonic Home "Moms and Pops"
H.L. Beth Strayer (33) Chairman
Masonic Home Day
H.L. Theresa Goddard (51) Chairman
Masonic Home Project
H.L. Margaret Woody (76) Chairman
H.L. Leslie Woody (76)
Masonic Youth
H.L. Cecilia Hemphill (33,51) Chairman
H.L. Athena Mock (33)
H.L. Wilma Stone (33)
S.K. Martin Schwebbel (33) Chairman
H.L. Sheila Bailey (25)
H.L. Carole Ellis (74)
H.L. Dee Gambel (51) Chairman
Session Photographer
H.L. Ann Marie Williams (25) Chairman
Sessions Ad Book
H.L. Cathy Edson (58, 25) Chairman
Sound System Committee
S.K. Rick Klenke (10) Chairman
S.K. Robert Lundy (10)
Web Administrators
H.L. Tanya Jean Nelson (76) Administrator
H.L. Leslie Woody (76) Asst. Administrator

Please send comments and suggestions to the web master

H.L. Tanya Jean Nelson

The Grand Court of Florida operates under authority of a Charter issued by the Supreme Council Order of the Amaranth, Inc.
The use of the Official Amaranth Logo is governed by U.S. Copyright Law and is the property of the Supreme Council Order of the Amaranth, Inc.
Copyright 2000 - 2025 Grand Court of Florida, Order of Amaranth